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Home » Contact Lenses » Atlantis Scleral Contact Lenses in Fort Collins, CO

Atlantis Scleral Contact Lenses in Fort Collins, CO

Woman Contact Eye Finger 1280x480Atlantis is a scleral lens design that performs well on any patient with an irregular cornea, including keratoconus, pellucid marginal degeneration, corneal transplants, post refractive surgery, post corneal rings, and ocular surface disease. Scleral lenses have also been utilized on regular corneas, dry eye patients, and athletes.

Atlantis™ Scleral

It’s a 1-2-3 Fit Strategy

Atlantis is a scleral lens design that performs well on any patient with an irregular cornea, including keratoconus, pellucid marginal degeneration, corneal transplants, post refractive surgery, post corneal rings, and ocular surface disease. Scleral lenses have also been utilized on regular corneas, dry eye patients, and athletes.

Lens Design

The Atlantis proprietary lens design was developed to provide a problem-solving solution along with a simplified fitting system with the 1-2-3 fit strategy. The unique peripheral curve calculation will allow central clearance while providing good distribution of pressure in the landing area, adequate edge lift and overall superior comfort.

Tangible Hydra-PEG

All scleral and GP designs manufactured in Contamac materials are now available with Tangible Hydra-PEG contact lens coating. This revolutionary coating is designed to increase wettability/surface water retention, lubricity (fewer deposits), and longer and better wear time. That means BETTER COMFORT and PATIENT RETENTION in GP wearers. Ask about it today!


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