Eyecare Associates
We give the patient the time he deserves to meet and exceed his needs and expectations. Our friendly and bilingual staff works diligently to ensure patient satisfaction. Eyecare Associates is a recognized clinic and leader in eye and vision care. It is a pride to offer our services to the Latino community. Please call us if you have an eye problem of any kind.
Call us - Optometrists in Fort Collins, CO 970-235-9330 [/ button]
Nuestro Sevicios
It is not always clear enough when we should go to the emergency room, especially in the case of danger to the eyes. Click to Learn More

Contact lenses are medical devices, so you will need a prescription to buy them.
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Children with existing vision problems or risk factors should have their eyes examined more frequently. Click to Learn More

Our friendly and bilingual staff works diligently to ensure patient satisfaction.