We offer emergency services that require immediate and urgent attention. Our eye doctors have the latest technology and experience with eye infections, scratched eyes, painful or itchy eyes and many other types of eye infections. We accept most health insurance plans.
Eye Emergencies in Fort Collins, CO
It is not always clear enough when we should go to the emergency room, especially in the case of danger to the eyes.
Please call us if you have an eye emergency of any kind.
Call us - Optometrists in Fort Collins, CO 970-235-9330 [/ button]
Video on the use of lenses and eye care, industrial safety.
Visit Our Optometrist
In the Eyecare Associates clinic they use advanced equipment for their eye exam. Complete eye exams for adults and children, co-management of laser vision correction surgery, eye emergency care and much more. Optometrists at our clinic in Fort Collins are eye doctors for patients of all ages. Please call us and we will assist you in Spanish.
More Causes of Eye Emergencies
Any injury to the eyelid can be a sign of serious injury to the eye itself. Foreign body in the eye and corneal lesions
The cornea is the clear (transparent) tissue that covers the front of the eye. Dust, sand and other debris can easily enter the eye. Persistent pain and redness are signs that treatment is required. A foreign body in the eye can be a threat to vision if the object enters the eye itself or damages the cornea or lens. Also, foreign bodies thrown at high speeds by machines, polishers or the fact of hammering metal offer the highest risk.