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Myopia Matters: Importance of Back-to-School Eye Exams

AdobeStock 757639694 MM BlogAs the school year begins, it is crucial to ensure your child's vision is ready to support their learning and development. Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a common vision issue that can significantly impact a child's ability to see clearly in the classroom. At Eyecare Associates, we offer comprehensive eye exams and the InfantSEE® program to help detect myopia and other eye conditions. 

Myopia Symptoms: Is Your Child Affected?

Myopia, commonly known as nearsightedness, is a condition where distant objects appear blurry while close-up objects are seen clearly. This occurs when the eyeball is too long, causing light to focus in front of the retina instead of directly on it. Myopia typically begins in childhood and can progress as children grow. 

Parents should be aware of the following signs that may indicate your child is experiencing nearsightedness: 

  • Squinting to see distant objects, such as the board in a classroom. 
  • Holding books or screens close to the face. 
  • Complaints of headaches or eye strain after focusing on distant objects. 
  • Difficulty seeing clearly in dim lighting. 
  • Frequent blinking or eye rubbing. 

          If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s essential to schedule a children’s eye exam as soon as possible. Early detection is key to managing myopia and preventing it from worsening. Treatments may include prescription eyeglasses and contact lenses or ortho- (contacts worn overnight) to manage this condition. Our treatments are personalized for each child, so it is essential to speak to our Fort Collins eye doctors about our myopia management solutions. 

          Early Detection with the InfantSEE® Program

          Early detection of myopia and other vision issues is crucial for your child's overall development. The InfantSEE® program, offered at Eyecare Associates, provides a one-time, comprehensive eye and vision assessment for infants between 6 and 12 months of age. This no-cost program aims to identify potential eye and vision problems early, ensuring that your child’s eyes are developing properly from the start. 

          As you know, regular eye exams are essential as your child grows up. The American Optometric Association (AOA) recommends exams at 6 months, 3 years, and before starting school. By catching vision problems early, you can help your child avoid potential learning difficulties and ensure they have the best possible start to the school year. 

          Schedule a Back-to-School Eye Exam

          As the new school year approaches, make sure your child's vision is in top condition. Schedule a pediatric eye exam at Eyecare Associates before school starts. Our dedicated team is here to provide the highest standard of care, ensuring your child has the clear vision they need to succeed.  

          Contact us to schedule an appointment and take advantage of the InfantSEE® program for early detection and management of vision issues like myopia.